Abstract:【Aim】 The effects of transgenic maize DBN9936 with the traits of insect-resistant (cry1Ab) and glyphosate-tolerant (epsps) on arthropod biodiversity and pest occurrence in the field were assessed, which would support the biosafety evaluation of transgenic crops. 【Method】 In isolated fields, the arthropod species and their numbers were identified and counted by direct observation. The number and harm caused by drill borer pests were investigated after slitting the stalks lengthwise when the corn was harvested. The parameters of arthropod function group, richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, and dominant concentration index of arthropods in genetically modified maize Hongshuo1799 and Yuanke105, non-transgenic recipient varieties, and regular maize cultivar Xianyu335 were analyzed and compared. 【Result】 1) Although there were a few differences, the dynamic trends of the arthropod richness index, diversity index, evenness index, and dominant concentration index of transgenic maize and non-transgenic control varieties were similar during the growth season. 2) The average damage rate of leaves, stems, and ears of transgenic maize was lower than that of non-transgenic maize, according to the valuation and analyses. 3) The damage of transgenic and non-transgenic maize with insecticide treatment made by lepidopteran pests, such as the corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis, the cotton bollworm Mythimna separate, and the oriental armyworm Hrelicoverpa armigera, was reduced. 【Conclusion】 Compared with their non-transgenic counterparts, the transgenic maize Hongshuo1799 and Yuanke105 could reduce the occurrence trend of lepidopteran target pests and had no significant negative effects on arthropod biodiversity in the field.