
Governing Body:Fujian Provincial Association of Science and Technology

Organizers:China Society of Plant Protection, Fujian Entomological Society


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    2024, DOI:


  • Analysis and enlightenment of EPPO early warning list of plant pests

    MA Fei, LI Min, FU Haibin, YANG Yifen, SUN Shuangyan

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.001


    The prevention of invasive alien pests stands as an important process in plant quarantine. The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) has developed an Alert List of plant pests to provide early warnings by alerting member states'NPPOs of emerging pests and invasive alien plants that may pose a threat to the EPPO area. Based on the results of further pest risk analyses, some pests in the alert list were moved to the A1/A2 List of pests recommended for regulation as quarantine pests. In this paper, by reviewing the official website of EPPO and relevant literature, the development and maintenance of the Alert List are summarized, and changes in pests on the list over the years are analyzed. The development of the Alert List of plant pests is an effective measure for the early warning of alien pests, and the risk analysis mechanism should be closely integrated with the warning mechanism in the early warning system, and the relevant departments can learn from these early warning actions to further improve China's early warning system of alien pests.

  • Construction of an invasive species prevention and control system

    LI Xindi, LIU Gang, YANG Yizhe, CHEN Lili, WANG Weifeng, LIU Guangzhen, SONG Xingjiang, CHEN Yu, WANG Jia, ZHANG Xianrui, SHI Yan, AN Yuxia, DU Xingyao, WU Mingze

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.002


    In recent years, the continuous and rapid development of China's economy, coupled with an escalating volume of import and export trade, has significantly increased the risk of introducing and spreading invasive alien species. The invasion of alien species has inflicted severe damage on China's natural ecosystems, economy, and society. However, establishing a sophisticated system for the prevention and control of invasive alien species remains a paramount research imperative. This study systematically reviews and synthesizes domestic and international experiences in the prevention and control of invasive alien species, proposing the following key aspects for the construction of a comprehensive invasive alien species prevention and control system: establishment of a coordinated mechanism for invasive species prevention and control, refinement of pertinent laws and regulations, timely creation and enhancement of an invasive alien species database, development of a safety risk assessment and early warning system, reinforcement of customs inspection and quarantine systems, substantial investment in scientific research, and promotion of public education on natural ecology. By fostering a collective and vigilant approach, this system aims to heighten awareness and implement preventive measures against the hazards posed by invasive species. This study systematically examined and analyzed the forms of invasive alien species and the corresponding preventive measures implemented both domestically and internationally in recent years. The study discusses the functional characteristics of invasive alien species prevention and control systems and provides recommendations for their development and construction. The objective was to serve as a reference for the advancement and management of China's biological invasion and related industries, with the ultimate goal of establishing and refining a government-led invasive alien species prevention and control system to minimize the harm caused by foreign invasive organisms.

  • Genetic diversity analysis of Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) based on COⅠ gene sequences

    LIU Dong, XU Xinlong, NUERAIZIZI·Nuermaimaiti, ZHANG Xiuying, CHEN Guanghui

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.003


    【Aim】 Ectomyelois ceratoniae is a moth pest that damages pomegranate trees, but it has not yet invaded China. This pest has a wide host range and is highly harmful; its hosts are widely distributed in China. Therefore, conducting genetic diversity and phylogenetic analyses of pomegranate moths based on the mitochondrial COⅠ gene can clarify the genetic diversity of world populations and the genetic relationships among populations in different countries, which is important as a guide for the quarantine and supervision of import and export commodities. 【Method】 Information on pomegranate moth populations publicly available in various countries and regions around the world was collected, and the mitochondrial COI gene sequence of the pomegranate moth was used for the analysis of genetic diversity, phylogeny, and genetic differentiation. 【Result】 Combined with the analysis of the genetic diversity of COI gene sequences amplified from intercepted samples, it was observed that 18 haplotypes of pomegranate moth populations were reported worldwide. Hap_2 was the most widely distributed haplotype in Tunisia, Italy, Malta, Greece, Iran, Australia, and the United States, and all samples intercepted in this study belonged to this haplotype. In addition, four haplotypes, Hap_4, Hap_8, Hap_11, and Hap_15, were distributed across multiple countries. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the pomegranate moth populations in 12 countries and regions worldwide into two branches, and the populations in the two areas of Australia were differentiated. 【Conclusion】 This study shows that the pomegranate moths invading various countries worldwide have high genetic homogeneity, with only two haplotypes in Australia showing differentiation. Variation in this species mainly comes from between populations; the COI gene shows a high haplotype diversity, and the populations worldwide show a high degree of genetic diversity and a moderate to high level of genetic differentiation.

  • Assessment of the replacement control effects of six forage species on the malignant invasive plant Solanum rostratum

    YUAN Zhili, ZHANG Guoliang, ZHANG Yue, WANG Zhonghui, SONG Zhen, SUN Chengyu, FU Weidong

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.004


    【Aim】 Relying on nature-based solutions, screen replacement control plants and their combinations of ecological, economic, and wide-ranging adaptability offer technical measures for controlling the spread of the malignant alien weed Solanum rostratum, which is invading the interlacing region of grazing and agriculture in northern China. 【Method】 This work employed pot experiments with varied soils in several locales to screen the target replacement control plant using a two-factor multi-block asymmetric substitution experiment. After S. rostratum was planted alone or in combination with pastures, the chlorophyll value, aboveground and belowground biomasses, and individual plant biomass of S. rostratum were measured to identify the best replacement control plant, which was then confirmed by field plot experiments. 【Result】 In the cinnamon soils (S1, S2) treatment group, the best replacement control plants are Leymus chinensis, Agropyrom cristatum, and Festuca arundinacea; however, their performances were different between the S1 and S2 treatment groups; the biomass inhibition rates of S. rostratum were 92.90%, 92.31%, and 92.31% in the S1 treatment and 56.7%, 78.4%, and 54.9% in the S2 treatment. The best replacement control plants for the castano-cinnamon soil (S3) treatment group were Medicago sativa, L. chinensis, A. cristatum, and F. arundinacea, with a S. rostratum's biomass reduction percentage of 94.20%, 91.95%, 87.35%, and 86.21%, respectively. The best replacement control plant in the treatment of castanozems (S4, S5) was F. arundinacea, which reduced the biomass of S. rostratum by 97.26% to 85.19%. The inhibition rates of S. rostratum by A. cristatum were 88.41% in the S4 treatment, and that of M. sativa was 88.89% in S5. In the chernozems (S6) treatment group, the best replacement control plant was M. sativa, with an S. rostratum biomass reduction percentage of 97.26%. In the alluvial soil treatment group (S7), the best replacement control was L. chinensis. And A. cristatum with S. rostratum biomass reduction percentages of 94.57% and 85.27% respectively. The results of the plot experiment showed that M. sativa+L. chinensis, M. sativa+L. chinensis, and F. arundinacea had the best inhibitory effects on S. rostratum, with S. rostratum reducing percentages of 91.78% and 91.2%, respectively, compared to the control group (S. rostratum planted alone). 【Conclusion】 Among different soil treatment groups, M. sativa, F. arundinacea, and L. chinensis had the best comprehensive replacement effect. In treatments with higher organic matter contents, F. arundinacea and L. chinensis showed better competitive inhibition of S. rostratum. M. sativa had a stronger inhibitory effect on S. rostratum in the soil treatment group with lower organic matter, M. sativa had a better inhibitory effect on S. rostratum. The combination of M. sativa and L. chinensis and the combination of M. sativa, L. chinensis, and F. arundinacea had the best effect on controlling S. rostratum in the Horqin Steppe of Baicheng City, Jilin Province. These combinations are inexpensive and long-term planting can be used to rebuild the ecological environment and obtain economic benefits.

  • Identification of Solanum viarum Dunal and potential geographic distribution in China

    SHAO Baolin, LU Xin, SHI Junxia, LIU Luxi, YANG Yifen, SU Baiyu, WANG Chenghua, YUAN Junjie, KONG Deying, LI Lan, YUAN Shuzhen

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.005


    【Aim】 In view of the misunderstandings in the identification of the alien invasive plant Solanum viarum Dunal, detection and identification methods were established, and its suitability in China was analyzed to provide effective technical support for the prevention and control of alien invasive species at ports. 【Method】 The morphological and molecular methods were used to identify S. viarum, and the suitable factors were determined according to the biological characteristics of S. viarum. The principle and method of fuzzy mathematics comprehensive evaluation were used to quantitatively analyze its suitability in various regions of China. 【Result】 The waxy gene sequence alignment can be used to distinguish S. viarumfrom other Solanum plants. It is suitable for the identification of S. viarum seedlings or samples with missing identification features or seed samples. It can solve the problem that S. viarum is easily confused with S. capsicoidesand S. aculeatissimum. The results showed that the potential suitable areas of S. viarum were distributed in Jiangsu, Hebei, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hainan, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Shandong, Anhui, Fujian, Hubei, Jiangxi, Beijing, Xinjiang, Hunan, Henan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Shanxi, Yunnan, Gansu and Xizang. 【Conclusion】 In view of the wide potential distribution, strong adaptability and great harm of S. viarum, it is suggested to strengthen the monitoring and control of S. viarum in the above areas.

  • Distribution, utilization status, potential risk, and invasion characteristics of Miscanthus species

    CHEN Chao, ZHANG Hui, LU Hui, TENG Wenjun, WU Juying

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.006


    【Aim】 The distribution, resource utilization, and invasion characteristics of Miscanthus species were investigated and the potential application of the Miscanthus resources was explored. 【Method】 Based on collected information and data analysis, we analyzed the current situation of resource utilization and generated a map of the distribution of Miscanthus species worldwide. Meanwhile, two risk assessment systems [Weed Risk Assessment for Central Europe (WG-WRA) and Australian (or New Zealand) Weed Risk Assessment (WRA)] were used to evaluate the risk of widely used Miscanthus species in China. 【Result】 Eighteen Miscanthusspecies were evaluated, of which four species had a wide distribution and the remaining 14 had a relatively narrow distribution. Members of the genus Miscanthus are widely distributed across Asia; however, most of them are wild or semi-utilized. Fully utilized species are relatively scarce. In the European and American regions, Miscanthus plants were introduced mainly as exotic plants, then as ornamental cultivars; currently, the ornamental types of Miscanthus and Miscanthus×giganteus have a wide range of applications. With the large-scale usage of Miscanthus species, especially the ornamental types, their potential invasion risks are becoming increasingly apparent. The genus Miscanthus has a low-risk ratio of 64.3% and has overall not yet posed significant invasion hazards in China. Nonetheless, some species, including M. floridulus and M. sacchariflorus, with WG-WRA scores of 34 and 31 respectively, are classified as high-risk species. Some characteristics of Miscanthus species, such as strong asexual reproduction ability and extensive environmental adaptability, may be important attributes that pose invasion hazards and require special attention. 【Conclusion】 Miscanthus species have posed invasion hazards in some countries and regions. Vigilance about their future invasion risk is necessary. For species (or cultivars) with strong reproductive capacity, conducting risk assessment for introduced varieties is urgently needed to fully utilize their beneficial traits, while being cautious about their invasion risks.

  • Effects of transgenic maize on arthropod biodiversity and insect pest occurrence in the field

    LIU Jing, YANG Xiaoran, YANG Muzhi, REN Zhentao, LIU Laipan, LIU Biao, XUE Kun

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.007


    【Aim】 The effects of transgenic maize DBN9936 with the traits of insect-resistant (cry1Ab) and glyphosate-tolerant (epsps) on arthropod biodiversity and pest occurrence in the field were assessed, which would support the biosafety evaluation of transgenic crops. 【Method】 In isolated fields, the arthropod species and their numbers were identified and counted by direct observation. The number and harm caused by drill borer pests were investigated after slitting the stalks lengthwise when the corn was harvested. The parameters of arthropod function group, richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, and dominant concentration index of arthropods in genetically modified maize Hongshuo1799 and Yuanke105, non-transgenic recipient varieties, and regular maize cultivar Xianyu335 were analyzed and compared. 【Result】 1) Although there were a few differences, the dynamic trends of the arthropod richness index, diversity index, evenness index, and dominant concentration index of transgenic maize and non-transgenic control varieties were similar during the growth season. 2) The average damage rate of leaves, stems, and ears of transgenic maize was lower than that of non-transgenic maize, according to the valuation and analyses. 3) The damage of transgenic and non-transgenic maize with insecticide treatment made by lepidopteran pests, such as the corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis, the cotton bollworm Mythimna separate, and the oriental armyworm Hrelicoverpa armigera, was reduced. 【Conclusion】 Compared with their non-transgenic counterparts, the transgenic maize Hongshuo1799 and Yuanke105 could reduce the occurrence trend of lepidopteran target pests and had no significant negative effects on arthropod biodiversity in the field.

  • Toxicity and field efficacy of different insecticides against Tuta absoluta

    ABULIZI·Tayier, MA Zhao, PATIMA·Wumuerhan, GAO Jiancheng, LIU Fei, MA Deying

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.008


    【Aim】 The main goal was to screen highly efficient and low-risk insecticides for controlling Tuta absoluta. 【Method】 A total of nine insecticides based on insect growth regulators were selected for toxicity and field efficacy testing. Indoor toxicity of nine insecticides and their control effects after field spraying were determined. 【Result】 The results of indoor toxicity showed that 10.5% emamectin benzoate SC had the highest toxicity, with the LC50 value at 48 h was 0.061 mg·L-1. Moreover, 10% tetrachlorantraniliprole SC also exhibited good insecticidal activity, with an LC50 value of 0.064 mg·L-1. The order of toxicity of the nine insecticides to tomato leaf miner moth: 10.5% emamectin benzoate SC>10% tetrachlorantraniliprole SC>5% hexaflumuron EC>30% cyromazine SC>25% chlorbenzuron SC>50000 IU/mg Bt-G033A WP>20% tebufenozide SC>22% metaflumizone SC>50% chlorfluazuron EC. The results of field control showed that the control effect ranged from 16.67% to 85.33%, 3 d to 14 d after application. Among them, treatment with 30% cyromazine SC treatment demonstrated fast effect, prolonged duration, and effective control. The field control effect could be maintained at 65.00% 14 d after application, which was higher than that of other pesticides (P<0.05). This was followed by 25% chlorbenzuron SC and 20% tebufenozide SC, with the field control effect for 30% cyromazine SC remained at 60% 14 d after application, which was higher than other agents (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 In conclusion, 30% cyromazine SC, 25% chlorbenzuron SC, and 20% tebufenozide SC were identified as the most suitable pesticides for controlling T. absoluta.

  • Invasion risk assessment of alien invasive plants in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, a case study of reservoir areas of Wudongde and Baihetan Hydropower Stations

    XIONG Haorong, DENG Xinxin, YU Jiang, DENG Yunmu, WU Xiaogang, ZHANG Yuehua, HE Xiulin, ZHANG Peichun, PAN Kaiwen, ZHANG Lin

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.009


    【Aim】 In response to a desire to prevent and control the spread of alien invasive species (AIPs) in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, this study focuses on the reservoir areas of Wudongde and Baihetan Power Stations in the mainstream. This study aimed to elucidate the species composition and invasion status of AIPs and investigate the presence of alien invasive plants in these reservoir areas. Additionally, in this study, the risk of invasion was assessed to support the prevention of the expansion of alien invasive plants, as well as to enhance the ecological security in the study area. 【Method】 We conducted a comprehensive analysis of AIPs using a combination of transects, sample survey methods, and a literature review. A hierarchical analysis was employed to establish a risk assessment system for AIPs. The system evaluates the invasion process, status, associated hazards, and prevention and control measures. Finally, the invasion risk level was determined based on the grading standards. 【Result】 Based on the results, a total of 103 documented AIPs across 70 genera and 28 families were identified. Among these, five alien invasive plants were categorized as level Ⅰ risk, 12 as level Ⅱ risk, 24 as level Ⅲ risk, 28 as level Ⅳ risk, and 34 as level Ⅴ risk. 【Conclusion】 While numerous species of AIPs were found in the reservoir areas, the majority fell within the low-risk levels (Ⅳ, Ⅴ), posing minimal harm. However, 17 invasive alien plants were categorized as high risk (Ⅰ, Ⅱ). Thus, we recommend prioritizing the prevention and control measures for these high-risk alien invasive plants to minimize threats to the ecological security of the Lower Jinsha River.

  • Potential suitable habitats of Chelydra serpentina Linnaeus in China under future climate projection, based on MaxEnt and ArcGIS

    ZHUANG Xiaochun, WANG Cheng, HONG Wei, GAO Yangchun, WEI Yufeng

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.010


    【Aim】 The common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina Linnaeus) is native to the Canada and the United States but has been widely distributed in many countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas, posing serious threats to both local biodiversity and public health in China. Therefore, it is crucial to predict the potential distribution of C. serpentina in China in order to provide a significant scientific basis for assessing invasion risks and formulating effective control strategies. 【Method】 In this study, a total of 76 distribution points of C. serpentina and 19 bioclimatic variables were used to predict the potential distribution in China under both current and future climate conditions using the MaxEnt model and ArcGIS. The most important bioclimatic variables influencing its distribution were analyzed. 【Result】 The top three bioclimatic variables affecting the distribution of C. serpentina are the precipitation of driest month, the min temperature of coldest month, and mean temperature of wettest quarter. These variables might be the most important natural factor affecting the occurrence and distribution of C. serpentina. Under current climatic conditions, the high suitability areas for C. serpentina are mainly concentrated in South China, Central China, and East China, with a few in North China and Southwest China. There is almost no invasion risk in most of the northeast and northwest provinces of China. However, the high suitability areas are projected to increase in the future, particularly in the north Hubei, Henan, south Shaanxi, as well as localized areas in Jiangxi, Hunan, and Sichuan provinces. On the other hand, the high suitability areas are expected to decrease in the south Hebei, northwest Shandong, north Jiangsu, and localized areas in Guangxi and Sichuan provinces. With climate warming, the centroid distribution of high suitability areas for C. serpentina is shifting towards the southwest and northwest. 【Conclusion】 The C. serpentina has a high invasion risk in southern, central, and eastern China, and this risk is expected to increase in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen monitoring and regulation efforts in high-risk areas and actively conduct monitoring and investigations of invasive species to prevent further invasion and spread.

  • Preventive effect of Bacillus subtilis 262XY2' bacterial agent on tomato fusarium wilt and its impact on biochemical indicators of plant and rhizosphere health

    AO Yuan, YANG Chengde, GUO Zhuangyuan, CUI Lingxiao, LI Zhezhe, NUERXIATI·Nuermaimaiti, MA Ting

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.011


    【Aim】 To provide a theoretical basis for the application of Bacillus subtilis in agricultural production and biosafety, this study used tomato as the experimental crop to explore the preventive effect of Bacillus subtilis 262XY2' on tomato fusarium wilt in potted plants and to evaluate its impact on biochemical indicators of tomato plants and rhizosphere soil health. 【Method】 Experimental groups treated with different amounts of solid bactericides (0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, 3.0%, and 4.0% of seedling substrate quality) and a control check (CK) with no added solid bactericides were established for tomato seedling cultivation and four tomato plant leaves were transplanted into each pot. Six weeks after planting, the preventive effect of the tested bacteriological agent on tomato fusarium wilt was determined using an established disease severity grading method. Biochemical indicators including tomato plant catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, chitinase, catalase, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosidase, and urease activities as well as total thiol and tomato rhizosphere soil free amino acid contents were quantitated. 【Result】 In the rhizosphere soil of tomato treated with 0.5% bactericide, the free amino acid content and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosidase and catalase activities were 44.325%, 108.848%, and 16.472% higher than those in CK, respectively. The most potent tomato fusarium wilt preventive effect was 73.485% and was achieved with 1.0% bacterial agent application. Catalase activity in tomato plants treated with 1% bacterial agent and peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and chitinase activities were 55.742%, 47.404%, 39.433%, and 209.989% higher than those in CK, respectively. Rhizosphere soil urease activity was 12.063% higher than that in CK. All these represent the highest values. Total thiol content was highest with 2.0% bacterial treatment at 191.304% higher than that in CK. 【Conclusion】 In general, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.0% inocula increased tomato defense enzyme activities and improved biochemical properties of tomato rhizosphere soil to varying degrees. Higher density inocula (3.0% and 4.0%) exerted no notable effects on these biochemical indices of tomato plants and their rhizosphere soil and even had inhibitory effects.

  • Toxicity effects and mechanism of ethonal extract from Euphorbia pekinensis on Pomacea canaliculata

    HAN Haoyu, LU Xian, ZHAO Zhimiao, LU Qiulu, LI Qinfen, ZHANG Yinjiang

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.012


    【Aim】 The invasion of the golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) poses a severe threat to China's wetland and agricultural ecosystems. To ensure national biosecurity, ecological safety, and food security, developing green biological molluscicides is essential for control of this pest. 【Method】 Herein, we obtained an extract of the botanical agent Euphorbia pekinensis using a cold soaking ultrasonic extraction procedure and assessed the toxic effects of this extract on P. canaliculata. In addition, we comprehensively analyzed the mode of action of the extract based on dynamic observations. 【Result】 We found that the ethanol extract of E. pekinensis has notable molluscicidal activity, with snail mortality being observed within 12 h of treatment, and positive correlations being detected among the rate of mortality, extract concentration, and exposure duration. By performing regression analysis based on the probit unit method, we determined the 72-h median lethal concentration (LC50) values of 0.639 and 0.926 g·L-1 for juvenile and adult snails, respectively, thereby indicating the higher sensitivity of juveniles. Treatment using the LC50 of the extract over a 72-h period revealed an initial increase and subsequent decline in the levels of pedal acetylcholinesterase and nitric oxide synthase in snails. After treatment, we detected a significant increase in malondialdehyde content in the snail's liver (P<0.05), along with notable reductions in glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, compared with the control group. These findings indicate that E. pekinensis extracts can significantly disrupt snail liver function and antioxidant mechanisms. 【Conclusion 】 The findings of this study reveal that an extract of E. pekinensis has significant molluscicidal bioactivity against P. canaliculata, thereby indicating its potential for development as a biological molluscicide.

  • Molecular cloning, expression profiling, and functional analysis of a UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylases gene from the Plutella xylostella (L.)

    LI Heng, TIAN Houjun, LIN Shuo, CHEN Yixin, WEI Hui, CHEN Yong

    2024, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1787.2024.04.013


    【Aim】 This study aimed to clone the chitin synthetase gene PxUAP and elucidate its function in Plutella xylostella. 【Method】 Based on the genomic information of diamondback moth, the full-length cDNA sequence of PxUAP was amplified using RT-PCR, and the expression pattern and function of the gene were analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR and RNA interference (RNAi). 【Result】 PxUAP (GenBank number: OR659549) contains an open reading frame of 1467 bp that encodes 488 amino acids with a predicted size of 54.985 ku and a theoretical isoelectric point of 6.12. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the amino acid sequences of PxUAP and Papilio machaon (KPJ20218.1) UAP clustered into a single clade with 80.33% similarity. The developmental expression profile revealed that PxUAP was expressed at various developmental stages of P. xylostella, with the highest expression level in the male adult stage, and the tissue expression profile showed that the expression of PxUAP was highest in the legs and wings of female adults. After RNAi, the expression levels ofPxUAP and PxCHSA in the dsPxUAP injection group were significantly downregulated compared with those in the control group (dsGFP injection). At 24 and 48 h after RNAi, the expression level of PxCHSB was also significantly lower in the dsPxUAP treatment than in the dsGFP control group. In addition, most of P. xylostella could not pupate and died because of pupal shell shrinkage after RNAi, and the survival rate decreased to 0 after injection of dsPxUAP at 168 h. 【Conclusion】 PxUAP is a key regulatory gene in the chitin synthase pathway of diamondback moth and plays a crucial role in the growth and development of P. xylostella.

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